We need a new America

4 min readMar 17, 2021

It’s no secret that the blue states in this great nation are a mess. The Woke States, with California and New York at their head, are leading us toward disaster. But I believe that we can hold back against them and save America — if we don’t choke, keep our heads, and vote.

Now, this isn’t some clickbait ad on the internet. “Want to know how to save America? This guy has one simple trick that will effortlessly save the union! Liberals don’t want you to know this,” etc.¹ But I do believe that if we follow what I outline here, we can take great strides in pulling America back from the brink.

What we need to do is to form a “nation inside a nation”. I don’t mean secession. While secession seems great and might be a good idea, it has possibly insurmountable problems for us. Read the next section if you’re interested, or skip over it if you’re only here for the main article.

An essay inside an essay: why secession probably won’t work

I don’t personally think that secession will work. Two reasons why:

  1. The leftists would have the entire power of the U.S. military on their side.

This, as you might imagine, is a problem. We would be spread out, without organization, against the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen.

2. There are other world powers.

China and Russia are our two greatest enemies today, and they surely wouldn’t hesitate to exploit the massive unrest and division if we had a civil war.

With all that said, I know whose side I’ll be fighting on should it come to this. I’ll proudly be pro-secession.

Back to the “nation within a nation”

We need to use our 10th amendment rights and form a second union of states, a conservative union. I suggest we call it the Compact of Free States.²

What would this ‘Compact’ do?

This compact would serve several purposes:

  1. To form a strong wall of red states and counties across America
  2. To resist the federal government’s overreach
  3. To create a voting, economic, and ideological block that would be difficult for the federal government challenge
  4. To provide support and a safe haven to those who are “cancelled” for their views
  5. To ensure the red states will remain red
  6. To harness the energy of the many conservatives, Trump supporters, and possibly the church

These are only a few of the many possibilities with this idea.

A few suggestions for what the Compact could focus on:

  • Reining in and heavily fining Big Tech
  • Making abortion illegal
  • Stopping the draconian, unconstitutional laws Biden has and will pass
  • Electing as many conservative politicians as possible
  • Supporting conservative and pro-life companies such as the Daily Wire, MyPillow, and Goya Foods
  • Stopping unconstitutional mask mandates and other CCP virus-related laws
  • Passing conservative laws
  • Boycotting companies such as Twitter, Google, Facebook, etc, and buycotting companies like Parler
  • Winning back the house in 2022

There is no end to the amount of good we could do if this were to happen. If every red state and county joined the Compact, we could achieve all this within a year or less. And this is possible! All we need to do is make the idea popular. Hopefully, Ron DeSantis will start the Compact and invite other red states in. If we had all the red states join, look at how large the compact could be:

States in red, pink, and purple depict states that might join the Compact

We would split the U.S. in half.

I cannot imagine how horrifying this would be for leftists. To have the conservatives finally doing something to save our country? Positively terrifying.

Take the first step to save America, and share this post. The more people read it, the more support we will have for the Compact of Free States. I suggest you tell every conservative you know about this, and share it on social media. The more widespread the idea, the more likely it can happen!

Update: I was unaware of the Convention of States movement when I wrote this article, and now realize that my ideas are starting to be realized. Nevertheless, I will leave this post up in case anyone is interested. I suggest you get involved with their excellent movement, sign the petition, and volunteer if you can. Find their website here.


  1. To be honest, I just wanted to write a corny ad here.
  2. I took this name from Trevor Loudon’s excellent article here.

Wow! You read my article to the end. That means that you’re an unusually patient reader. If you want to help me out, please follow me and give me a clap. If you liked my message, please share this article with at least one person you care about. Well, that’s the end of my spiel. Thanks for reading!

This article was inspired by Trevor Loudon’s excellent article in the Epoch Times. Read it here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/a-new-zealanders-9-starter-steps-to-save-america-from-socialism_3718917.html?welcomeuser=1

